San Francisco's Home for Great Concerts since 1970

Christmas in a Celtic Land

Approaching their 30th Anniversary in 2010, Golden Bough once again presents a delightful program full of rare carols and other songs of celebration for the Winter Season and the New Year. Christmas in a Celtic Land continues to be one of Golden Boughs most popular programs, bringing olde worlde cheer and the warmth of family gatherings together in a musical setting. The joyful Celtic Christmas Concert is a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to gather together to celebrate and drive the cold winter away with Golden Bough’s unique Yuletide presentation. You’ll be hard put to sit still once the fire of Celtic music is flamed by these fine musicians. A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

Old First Concerts has volunteer opportunities available!

Our concerts rely on the generosity of volunteers to assist with simple tasks like:


distributing programs

box office

set-up and clean-up

Scheduling is flexible — you choose when to work! We especially need helping hands for our Friday and Saturday night performances.

An excellent opportunity for students, seniors, or anyone who possesses a love for music!

If you’d like to consider volunteering with Old First Concerts, please contact for more information.