Zhou Long Song of the Ch’inR. Murray Shafer String Quartet No. 3Elena Kats-Chernin Fast Blue Village 2Ben Johnston String Quartet No. 10Reza Vali NayshâboorákImprovisationsThe San Francisco based Del Sol String Quartet, two-time winner of the top Chamber Music America/ASCAP Award for Adventurous Programming, is breaking the boundaries of classical music in riveting performances of new music with a global pulse – “a fascinating and exquisitely played program†– Washington Post. This critically acclaimed group of high energy master musicians explores new ways to interact with audiences, composers and artists across cultures and art forms. Quartet members Kate Stenberg, Rick Shinozaki, Charlton Lee and Kathryn Bates Williams have worked their magic performing on prominent concert series nationwide, including the Kennedy Center, Library of Congress, National Gallery of Art and Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC, Symphony Space in New York City, the Other Minds Festival of New Music in San Francisco, the Santa Fe Opera New Music Series, and the bi-coastal Pacific Rim Festival co-presented by the University of California at Santa Cruz and Brandeis University in Waltham, MA. Del Sols four commercial CD releases have been universally praised by critics, including Gramophone, which hailed the Quartet as “masters of all musical things,†and The Strad, which lauded the ensembles “gloriously opulent, full-throated tone.†This performance of Ben Johnston’s String Quartet No. 10 is sponsored by the American Composers Forum through its Encore Program, supporting repeat performances of new works. For more information please visit www.delsolquartet.com