Imagine a concert series that features the best local and international professional musicians. Imagine them playing repertoire carefully and intentionally chosen for its uniqueness, cultural importance and beauty. Imagine the concerts taking place in a historic building with nearly perfect acoustics. Imagine being enveloped by the positive energy and aura of thousands of previous great performances. Imagine a concert grand piano so meticulously maintained, that it has the ability to express any color imagined by the pianist. Imagine the tickets for these concerts selling for much less than you would pay to hear some of the same musicians at the SF Symphony, Ballet or Opera.
Old First Concerts is that concert series and you make it possible!
Your partnership as a donor, concertgoer, performer, or volunteer at Old First Concerts makes us who we are: a community that believes in the power of music to illuminate, inspire and connect.
If you would prefer to mail a check, please send it to:
Old First Concerts
1751 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
You may also be interested in the John R. Bodo Legacy Society!
Old First Concerts is a registered 501(c)3 Charitable Organization (Tax ID#:94-2898233).
Our amazing donors!
Virtuoso Circle ($5000 and up)
Thomas Culp & Charles Wagner
Bravissimo! ($1000 and up)
Anonymous (3)
Doris Bebb
Christopher and Cindy Burt
Claudine Cheng
Philip & Elayne Dauber
Paul Duffey
Daniel Joraanstad & Bob Hermann Faith in the Future Fund
Walter Kennedy
Barbara Marré
Lynne Ogata in memory of Joyce Frankenberg
Darren & Cathy Presher
James Riggs
James T. Smith
John Stedman
Stephen & Sarah Taber
Joanne Winetzki
Mike Tekulsky & Ron Wong
Randal Wong & Jamila Champsi
Encore Performance ($500 – $999)
Anonymous (2)
Ruth & Frank Belvin
Erika Bodo
Jessie Cheng Charitable Foundation
Bernard Choden
Linda Dembo
K. Desby
Patti Deuter in memory of Joel Deuter
Roland & Lois Feller
Jean Hohman
Jeanne Kirkwood
Joan B. O’Connor
Bob & Terri Ryan
Ann Stone
Paul Upham
Brett Waxdeck
Susan Worts
Standing Ovation ($250 – $499)
Anonymous (2)
Abbot-Murphy Charitable Grant
George Becker
Michael & Nina Berg
Jim Clavin
James Culp
Stephen B. Hahn
Edward & Patricia Hymson
Robert S. & Marilyn Koerper Blumberg
Betty Meissner
James Robinson
Abby Rumsey
Pamela Sebastian
Jasper and Ben Shaw
Elizabeth Varnhagen
Lori Yamauchi & James Fagler
Enthusiastic Applause ($100 – $249)
Bruce Agid
B. Amoroso
Sarah Bailis
Christine Beckstrom
Emilie Bergmann
Robert & Marion Koerper Blumberg
Erika Bodo
Katherine & Michael Boeninghausen – in honor of Joyce Frankenberg
Barbara & Howard Bomze
Patricia Bourne
Christopher Brey
Bill & Marilyn Campbell
Joseph Charpentier
Monica Chew
Donald Cohon
Stanley Corfman
Homer Dalbey
Joanne DePhillips
Doug Dexter & Steve Rushton
Chauncey DiLaura
Naome Dragstedt
Jim Eimers & Rob Wulff
Julia Erickson
Mark W. Eriksson
Judith Ets-Hokin
David Featherstone
William Feister & Judith Ross
Georgia Finnigan
Michael Fischer & Jane Rogers
Rachel Fisher
Thomas Flaherty
Doris Flamm
Ian Foraker
Thomas Foutch
R. T. Freebairn-Smith
Robert Friedman Presents
Shoko Furuya & Christopher Kitting
Dr. & Mrs. E. C. Gaenslen
David Garlock
Rochelle Gatlin
William Grant
Elizabeth Greening
Helen & Michael Gross
David Hammer
Maggi Henderson
Gene and Barbara Henry
Barbara Holt
Leslie A. Hughes
Barbara Imbrie
Ron Jin & the Jin-Allen Family
William Corbett-Jones
Kent Jue
Sally Ketchum
Hee Shik Kim
Howard & Wendy Kleckner
Michael Korbholz
Laurence Kornfield
Marshall Krause
Jeffrey LaDeur
Pam Zipkin & Robert Lampkin
Will Leben
Yunnie Lee
Mary Lim
The Joel A. Luebkeman Charitable Giving Fund
Sarah McCuskey
Henry Mahncke & Kimberly Tanner
Robert Maldonado
Larry Marietta
Karen Mottola
Barbara Mow
Enthusiastic Applause ($100 – $249) (continued)
Randall Murley
Regina Myers
Hitomi Onizuka
Helen Pellegrin
Phil Rettger
Linda Reyder
Joan Rost
Art Rothstein
Sue Rupp
Mary Russell
Donald Ryan
Lynn Schugren
Jack Shoemaker
Paula N. Smith
Drs. Jill Spangenberg and Jerome Barakos
Leslie & Bob Stafford
Margaret Studier
Robert & Martha Warnock
George Wiepert
Jessica Bodo Wise
Danielle & Gary Wohl
Keith Yamamoto
Jie Yang
Norman Young
Friends of Old First Concerts
Susan Baker-Lehne
Ralph Beren
Edward Bergh
Barbara Bernhart
Kyle Carney
Sherman Chan
Hal Christiansen
Helen Cohen
Fred Cummins
John Diamante
James Dooley
Nathaniel Eldridge
Janet Elliott
Alice Glasner
John Gosselin
Joan Intrator
John Kasper
Julie Kierstine
Bonnie Knight
Barbara Koenig
Allison Levy
Xiao Liu
Julia Dorsey Loomis
McCarroll/Ingalls Family
Sarah McCuskey
Alan & Hitomi Onizuka
Stephani Phipps
Charles Quesenberg
Becky A. Reed
Terry Rillera
Mary Russell
Ralph Samuel
Allen Shearer
David and Susan Singer
Kathleen Smith
Katie Struble
Jeff Winslow
Stephanie Winters