Chaconne by Bach/Busoni; Variations on ‘Weinen Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by Liszt; Prelude, Arioso et Fughette on BACH by Honegger; selections from Vingt regards sur lEnfant-Jésus by Messiaen; selections from 12 New Etudes by William BolcomSwiss pianist Reto Reichenbach, prizewinner at the prestigious international piano competition for 20th century music in Orléans, France, will perform at Old Firsts Concerts on his tour through the Unites States and Canada. His program features works by Busoni, Liszt and Honegger that take the music of J. S. Bach as starting points for their own personal explorations of sound, as well as selections from two major works by Olivier Messiaen and William Bolcom.