San Francisco's Home for Great Concerts since 1970

Paypal Order Complete

Thanks for your order.  Your PayPal transaction is complete: a receipt has been e-mailed to you and your tickets are on the way in a separate e-mail!  Occasionally, the tickets wind up in the spam filter, so if you don’t see them in the next 10 minutes, that would be a good place to check.  Need additional assistance?  Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 415-474-1608.


Old First Concerts has volunteer opportunities available!

Our concerts rely on the generosity of volunteers to assist with simple tasks like:


distributing programs

box office

set-up and clean-up

Scheduling is flexible — you choose when to work! We especially need helping hands for our Friday and Saturday night performances.

An excellent opportunity for students, seniors, or anyone who possesses a love for music!

If you’d like to consider volunteering with Old First Concerts, please contact for more information.