Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 4 pm
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Dr. Gabriela Calderón Cornejo
Musas: Uncovering Lost Piano Works by Latin American Women Composers
Carmen Barradas (1888–1963)
Baile inglés (English Dance)
Nelly Mele Lara (1922–1993)
Mínima suite infantil (Children’s Short Suite)
Preludio (Prelude)
El curruñatá (The Thick-billed Euphonia)
Campanero (Ringer)
Airón (Heron)
El colibrí (The Hummingbird)
Palomitas mensajeras (Messenger Pigeons)
La guacharaca (Rufoous-vented Chachalaca)
Maruja Hinestrosa (1914–2002)
Fantasía sobre aires colombianos (Fantasia on Typical Colombian Genres)
Aurora Román Casares (b. 1933)
Danza de las Amazonas (Dance of the Amazons)
Aurora Román Casares
Tristeza india (Indigenous Sadness)
Aurora Román Casares
Volando sobre el Napo (Flying Over the Napo)
María Mendoza de Baratta (1890–1978)
Nahualismo (Nahualism)
About the musician
A native of Costa Rica now residing in the United States, Dr. Gabriela Calderón Cornejo continues to play as a solo performer, chamber musician, and collaborative pianist. She has been an essential member of vocal and instrumental ensembles in both Costa Rica and the United States. Her diverse experiences have included performing with opera workshops, wind ensembles, symphonic and concert bands, symphonic orchestras, choirs, and chamber groups. Gabriela’s love of variety has led her to participate in projects ranging from inaugural concerts of grand pianos, solo and collaborative recitals across the US, world premiere of compositions, and involvement with productions from the National Theater Company of Costa Rica. Recently, her work in rediscovering, adapting and promoting previously undigitized works by Latin American female composers has been featured at international conferences and concert series culminating in the release of her first studio album and anthology Musas (
Gabriela completed her Bachelor’s and Licentiate’s degrees with an emphasis in Piano Performance at the University of Costa Rica, and a Master’s degree at Ithaca College. She earned her Doctor of Arts degree with a major in Piano Performance and a Certificate in Entrepreneurial Music at Ball State University. Currently, she teaches private piano lessons and contributes to the profession by serving as a board member for the Cayambis Institute for Latin American Studies in Music (CILASiM), the Branch Recital Director for the Music Teacher’s Association of California (MTAC) – San Mateo County, and an active adjudicator. It is her ambition to continue to pursue musical growth, share her knowledge, and watch the development and progress of both younger and older artists.