Golden Bough
Celebrating 40 Years with a Winter Solstice Christmas Celebration
Margie Butler, Paul Espinoza, Kathy Sierra
In 1980 Golden Bough presented their first Celtic Winter and Christmas Concerts in the Bay Area. Since that time they have annually provided an opportunity for loved ones to join together in song and celebration with their Celtic Christmas Concert program. With this year’s concert falling on December 21, the Winter Solstice, Golden Bough has prepared a program of rare carols and songs of celebration for the Winter Solstice and the New Year.
With lively instrumental pieces, haunting ballads and humorous sing-alongs, the band creates an atmosphere in which the listener is transported to another place and time. Margie Butler, Paul Espinoza and Kathy Sierra capture the essence and joy of traditional music on a wide variety acoustic instruments, including; Celtic harp, penny-whistle, guitar, accordion, violin, viola, mandolin, and bodhran (a hand held drum, particular to the Celtic culture).
In ancient times, The Feast of Yule was observed at the time of the December solstice. Fires would be lit to symbolize the heat and light of the returning sun and a Yule log was gathered and burnt in the hearth. Present day Christmas customs and traditions such as the Yule log, Yule singing, and others stem from celebration of Yule. The winter solstice is the longest night of the year. Since ancient times, people all over the world have recognized this important astronomical occurrence and celebrated the subsequent “return” of the Sun in a variety of different ways. Old solstice traditions have influenced holidays we celebrate now, such as Christmas and Hanukkah.
Golden Bough’s three Yuletide CD—Winter’s Dance, Christmas in a Celtic Land, and When Winter Comes—are distributed worldwide and have received enthusiastic response from music fans and critics alike. Rock & Reel Magazine in England had this to say about their 2nd Christmas offering; “A vibrant and multi-faceted collection, Christmas in a Celtic Land sees Golden Bough at their musical and creative peak.” You can find out more about Golden Bough, their recordings, concert schedule and history by visiting their web-site at
This joyful Celtic Christmas Concert is a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to gather together to celebrate and drive the cold winter away. with Golden Bough’s unique Yuletide presentation. You’ll be hard put to sit still once the fire of Celtic music is flamed by these fine musicians. A splendid time is guaranteed for all!