Shoko Hikage, Koto (Japanese zither) player, will give a recital of San Francisco based Korean composer Hyo-shin Nas music. Thomas Schultz, pianist and Narae Kwon, kayageum (Korean zither) will join Hikage. The program will include Five Pieces on Yoshie Hikage’s Poems (2012–2013) for koto solo, Koto Music (2011) for koto solo, Night Procession of the Hundred Demons (2011) for koto solo, Echoes of Harmonious Music (2012) for koto and kayageum, Chrysanthemum Song (2012) for koto and kayageum, Song of the Firewood (2010) for kayageum solo, Near and Dear (2012) for piano solo, and Variations (1990) for piano solo.