San Francisco's Home for Great Concerts since 1970

The San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra

Pluto and Comets from Sol[ar] Suite by Mark Alburger; Flyer by Allan Crossman In my craft or sullen art and The Thing Itself by Philip Freihofner; Yearnings of a Middle Aged Composer About to Be Drowned by David Graves; Avinu by Beeri Moalem; Parodiesby Martha Stoddard In commemoration and in honor of our former 9th planet from our solar system, the San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra will present The Pluto Memorial Concert, the SFCCO will present Bay Area and world premieres of works that grapple with our most recent celestial loss. In Mark Alburgers Pluto and Comets from his Sol[ar] Suite, Pluto takes a lonely road in sinuous contrapuntal curves arching through the Kuiper Belt, perhaps mourning its demotion to “dwarf planet”. Allan Crossmans Flyer features acclaimed ‘cellist Nina Flyer in a concerto that pulls loop-the-loops in commemoration of the Wright Brothers and the spirit of adventure. The oboe in Philip Freihofner‘s In my craft or sullen art set to the poem by Dylan Thomas and The Thing Itself will guide us through the cosmos in search of answer to primal questions about fire and loss. David Graves’ Yearnings of a Middle Aged Composer About to Be Drowned features two real-time electro-acoustic sound sources to create a dizzying world. Violist-composer Beeri Moalem’s Avinu will be presented with this composer’s usual excellence and Martha Stoddard’s Parodies is a light-hearted, flighty work, giving all members of the orchestra (woodwind quartet, brass trio, piano, percussion, and strings) a workout.

Old First Concerts has volunteer opportunities available!

Our concerts rely on the generosity of volunteers to assist with simple tasks like:


distributing programs

box office

set-up and clean-up

Scheduling is flexible — you choose when to work! We especially need helping hands for our Friday and Saturday night performances.

An excellent opportunity for students, seniors, or anyone who possesses a love for music!

If you’d like to consider volunteering with Old First Concerts, please contact for more information.