San Francisco's Home for Great Concerts since 1970

Veretski Pass – December 3, 2016

Veretski Pass

Cookie Segelstein, violin, viola, scordatura violin; Joshua Horowitz, chromatic button accordion, cimbalom, piano; Stuart Brotman, basy (bass cello), bass, tilinca, baraban

Taking its name from the mountain pass through which Magyar tribes crossed into the Carpathian basin to settle what later became the Austria Hungarian Empire, Veretski Pass plays old country music with origins in the Ottoman Empire, once fabled as the borderlands of the East and the West. In a true collage of Carpathian, Jewish, Rumanian and Ottoman styles, typical suites contain dances from Moldavia and Bessarabia; Jewish melodies from Poland and Rumania; Hutzul wedding music from Carpathian-Ruthenia; and haunting Rebetic aires from Smyrna, seamlessly integrated with original compositions. Playing in an unbound, energetic “village style, this band of world renown klezmer veterans carries on the ancient tradition of klezmer musicians, playing music of all kinds, but with a recognizably Jewish sound.

Old First Concerts has volunteer opportunities available!

Our concerts rely on the generosity of volunteers to assist with simple tasks like:


distributing programs

box office

set-up and clean-up

Scheduling is flexible — you choose when to work! We especially need helping hands for our Friday and Saturday night performances.

An excellent opportunity for students, seniors, or anyone who possesses a love for music!

If you’d like to consider volunteering with Old First Concerts, please contact for more information.