San Francisco's Home for Great Concerts since 1970

Empyrean Ensemble

Double Trouble by Kurt Rohde; G. Whiz by Sheila Silver; We Speak Etruscan by Lee Hyla; Rumors by Harold Meltzer and more
An exciting and groundbreaking musical enterprise consisting of seven core musicians, two co-directors, and selected collaborators, all singularly skilled at the performance of new music, the Empyrean Ensemble is dedicated to the showcasing of contemporary classical works, whether created by eminent composers or virtual unknowns, and has premiered some 200 such pieces. Recent concerts have been heralded as “daring and well conceived” by the SF Classical Voice, and “an extraordinary program of modern music!” by the Sacramento Bee.

Old First Concerts has volunteer opportunities available!

Our concerts rely on the generosity of volunteers to assist with simple tasks like:


distributing programs

box office

set-up and clean-up

Scheduling is flexible — you choose when to work! We especially need helping hands for our Friday and Saturday night performances.

An excellent opportunity for students, seniors, or anyone who possesses a love for music!

If you’d like to consider volunteering with Old First Concerts, please contact for more information.